For students
eContenta offers sophisticated tools to personalize and manage your workspace and a forum for group discussions of texts.
Reading tools
online, using all our tools and reading aids or off-line (ACS)
Mark and annotate:
create your own notes to text and mark relevant passages
Search fulltext:
find easily anything you need within a text and sort results by page number or relevance
Look up:
users can take advantage of the context menu turning each word in the text into a gateway
Organizing your workspace
sophisticated structure of user's saved resources (bookshelf), allowing convenient organization of data (tree structure)
add your own descriptions to your catalogs or publications saved to your bookshelf
Use tags:
tag your notes, bookmarks and whole publications to organize them through keywords
create automatic citations in one of the academic styles or fully customized format
Create a quick bibliography: using convenient citation tools providing full bibliographic information (customizable styles)
Print or copy:
make print outs or copies of the relevant text fragments (within the limits of DRM / copyright restrictions)
add to your bookshelf your own resources (for personal use or use within his/her institution)
Get content of your comments and marked passages to use in your documents
make available one of your catalogues to your friends - and decide for how long they should have access
Share your notes and markings:
sharing your annotations with your friends or groups of users can spark up interesting discussions
use our in-the-text forum tools to respond to the comments of other readers
Review and recommend:
recommend the book to other users of your institution, rate a publication or write a review